Underrepresented survey
In 2016, I sent out a survey to friends and colleagues who are members of different underrepresented minorities in Silicon Valley. Here are the questions I asked:
What underrepresented group(s) do you view yourself as a part of?
Can you describe an experience or opportunity that has been different as a result of you being a member of an underrepresented group within the technology industry?
Are there things you do differently (either intentionally or unintentionally) because you are a minority in your workplace? Please share what those behaviors are if you feel comfortable.
If you were to give advice to past-you (at any time period), what would you tell yourself?
What advice would you give to majority (aka non-minority) folks to help support you or others like you?
Do you feel that your perspective as a member of an underrepresented group gives extra value to your team? If so, how? I would love to collect some stories about how diversity makes teams or products better.
What advice or encouragement would you give to members of your underrepresented group or any other minority member to be more successful or happy, either in tech or otherwise?
What advice or encouragement would you give to members of your underrepresented group or any other minority member to be more successful or happy, either in tech or otherwise?
The responses to the survey will inspire a series of posts, and the first is Move from “checkbox diversity” to valuing a “diversity of perspective”. Thanks so much to everyone who participated! Your thoughts are incredibly valuable.